  • Veiling, unveiling

    Laia Moreto Alvarado, 2015-2022

    Black and white photograph. Cotton paper. 60x60 cm.

    Series of portraits which can only be perceived from physical proximity and that, by contrast, appear as a dark spot when looked at from a distance. The quality of darkness conditions one to approach art corporally in contrast to the current context, which leaves a world with an excess of distant, virtual and anonymous images. People are portrayed in the company of someone else. That reveals and stresses a bond that allows to see the individual as a being with an inescapable relationship with the other; the presence of someone who is needed and breaks all expectations. An existing bond such as the one found -more indirectly- between the author and the recipient of an image and that, within the darkness of this artwork, is revealed with the need to position the creative part in a closer and more binding way. Key words: veiling, unveiling, naked, proximity, the other